That first cairn, which was followed closely by the second, was when I watched my father surrender his life to the Lord at a Billy Graham Crusade in 1967. The impact of watching both my father and short while later, my brother Toby, making Christ the Lord of their lives influenced me to do the same when I was seven years old. Camp Li Lo Li would be represented by another of these cairns as the ministry of Li Lo Li played a significant role in those early years as a young believer, and in fact, all the way into my teens; first, as a camper and later as summer staff.
Some may think that a stint in the US Navy would be a marked and significant time in my life – and it was, but the significance was not on all the places I saw, or things I had done. Rather, my time in the Navy was highlighted by the fact that I had a decision to make in who I would choose to follow. Would I follow and be a part of the World, or, would I commit my ways to the Lord? The Lord was gracious in placing Godly people in my life during these days to help me keep my eyes focused on Him. There were setbacks from time to time but the Lord prevailed and continued his refining process.
Shortly after leaving the Navy I found myself back at Camp Li Lo Li once again as a volunteer. It was on a beautiful starry night while literally standing at the crossroads at Camp Li Lo Li and figuratively at a crossroads of career paths and choices that the Lord answered my prayers by directing my steps into the wonderful ministry of Christian Camping. The rest, as they say, “is history.” Helen and are entering 20th year in full-time Camping ministry and our 10th year as Camp Li Lo Li’s Property Manager. We are so grateful for the Lord’s to allow us to be a part of such a strategic ministry. What opportunities we have!
These are a few of the cairns that have been left behind as mileposts in my life. However, I’m not much one for going over the same trail twice – so I’m looking forward to seeing how the Lord will lead in direct in the days ahead.
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