The last two days of Preteen 3 were a blur of activity! Many of the stories we had been hearing about in Chapel came to life in these last two fun filled days! The theme for the week had been the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. So the letter 'B' started to pop up everywhere! And we started to see 'Bee's' everywhere too!

Our bunny campers, children of staff members, participated in our chapel by singing a song. Our directors became Dr. Growmore and Bob the Beekeeper to help us understand the wonders of bees and drew lessons from their activities! Even our speaker and our lifeguards got in on the Bee theme!
The week was rounded out by the rest of our camp activities including horse-riding and the very popular pool parties! We were so grateful to everyone for maiking this a tremendous week. A lot of preparation goes into the week and it showed. We were so happy also to see so many happy campers returning year after year! See you next year!

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