Wednesday is always a great day as it starts off with our traditional coffee can or 'hobo' breakfast! Campers cook their own breakfast at their cabins using a large coffee can with holes cut out for the fire. It is great fun and everybody gets to make their breakfast the way they like it!

Our speaker Jeremy focused on not loving the world in our morning chapel. Many of his thoughts revolved around obedience to God being a natural result of faith in God and used many examples from God's word where believed and then they served God.
The day continued with sports, electives and cabin challenges. Many of the campers have spent parts of the week in the craft cabin, shaping, sanding, hammering and painting their craft projects. Some have built some great games while others focused on more practical projects that they can take home and use!
The highlight of the week, especially for our cooks, is the mid-week picnic and BBQ. The kitchen staff is given the night off and we grill hamburgers, cheeseburgers and hot dogs down near the creek and spend some time getting to know one another better!
Jeremy finished up our evening with sme thoughts from Romans 12:2 about renewing our minds, not being conformed to the things of the world but to be seriously committed to the transforming of our minds and lives. He emphasized the fact that this cannot be a passive activity, but that we need to stay actively involved daily in our spiritual walk and growth!
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