Today is double points Thursday where teams who have fallen behind have the opportunity to come back strongly! Every team has a chance to succeed! There are extra team points for memory verses and for giving correct answers in chapel as well as the sports event. In fact, the line of campers at the left are all waiting to say their memory verses to the verse judge! Five out of our six teams have now had their entire team learn their verses and many are working on bonus verses as well! Great job!
Sam has continued his studies on the life of Nehemiah with an encouragement to Stand Firm in God's Word. His evening chapel focused on Standing Firm in Obedience. The lesson we learnt was that faith is always followed by obedience. First believe, then do! Good challenges about doing the right things and being faithful to God's Word.

Two of the biggest competitions of the day were the finals in our swim relays and in our ongoing soccer tournament! Both were hard fought to the end with victorious teams earning plenty of points to assist their team challenges. Many points were racked up and almost changed the team point race!

Several other events like Trash Can football were played but did not make the same changes to the overall points score!

One of the highlights of the evening was our chocolate fountain for late night snack! Campers were able to hold strawberries, pineapple, marshmallow, angel cake and a few other items on the chocolate waterfall for a sticky but delicious late night treat! On the other side of the lodge were a variety of ice cream floats using Root Beer, Cherry Soda or Orange Soda to build their own floats!
But by far, the biggest highlight of the night was the meteor shower! Jim Lehmann was our resident astronomer who took groups up to the hillside to lie on tarps and gaze at the sky. What a beautiful night! The sky could not have been clearer, which was a real answer to prayer. The Milky Way was spread out before us and every constellation and star shone bright while we waited for the meteors! We were not disappointed with over eighty sightings in just over an hour! God is truly an amazing God!
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