Our chapels have been great with many commenting on how practical they have found them. Sam has asked us to Stand Firm in our Testimonies and highlighted the importance of being consistent in our Christian walk. He also commented on the fact that Nehemiah was a man of prayer and encouraged us to Stand Firm in our Prayer Life. Last night he reminded us that if we make a stand for the Lord, we are likely to be mocked, discouraged and even persecuted. We should take comfort in that fact that all faithful believers will face these things!
What a great first day! There were so many different activities for everyone. Some of the teams have played 'sports' like whiffle ball, cage basketball, blind volleyball or even ladder golf! If these are not sports you recognize, take a look at these recent pictures! Ladder Golf is played with two golf balls on a string!

Blind Volleyball is played with an oversized ball and a giant parachute covering the net! None of the players know when the next ball will come across the net or from what direction! It adds a new dimension to an old game!
Whiffle ball is a great favorite and allows any of us to play without too much skill! This year we have taken the whiffle out of whiffle ball and are playing with a soft nerf ball! In addition all of the regular games like soccer and basketball are being played.
What a great first day! There were so many different activities for everyone. Some of the teams have played 'sports' like whiffle ball, cage basketball, blind volleyball or even ladder golf! If these are not sports you recognize, take a look at these recent pictures! Ladder Golf is played with two golf balls on a string!
Blind Volleyball is played with an oversized ball and a giant parachute covering the net! None of the players know when the next ball will come across the net or from what direction! It adds a new dimension to an old game!
Whiffle ball is a great favorite and allows any of us to play without too much skill! This year we have taken the whiffle out of whiffle ball and are playing with a soft nerf ball! In addition all of the regular games like soccer and basketball are being played.
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