Another great day at camp! The weather has been perfect and it is great to see everyone appreciating the outdoors. Our campers are enjoying the team games as well as their individual electives. Our chapel times have also been well received by both campers and staff. We have enjoyed hearing more about Nehemiah and the way God worked in his life to help him Stand Firm in his Faith.
One of the great lessons of camp is a population of hummingbirds. There are dozens of them around the porch each day enjoying the specially prepared hummingbird food! They all jostle for position, hovering in place waiting for their turn before flying off at high speed. Every now and then, one of our hummingbirds will get inside by mistake and will fly around until exhausted. One of our bird lovers will usually scoop him up and help him rest and eat until ready to take off again. What a great example of the care of our Father, who sees us often flying aimlessly until exhausted before helping us back to strength again!
Wednesday has also traditionally been the evening of our BBQ Picnic when the men do the cooking! Of course all the food has been prepared and packed by our kitchen team! We head down to the picnic area near the creek and enjoy hamburgers, cheeseburgers, salads and chips together under the trees. And our cooks finally get a chance to rest!
One of the great lessons of camp is a population of hummingbirds. There are dozens of them around the porch each day enjoying the specially prepared hummingbird food! They all jostle for position, hovering in place waiting for their turn before flying off at high speed. Every now and then, one of our hummingbirds will get inside by mistake and will fly around until exhausted. One of our bird lovers will usually scoop him up and help him rest and eat until ready to take off again. What a great example of the care of our Father, who sees us often flying aimlessly until exhausted before helping us back to strength again!
Wednesday is a special day for food as well! Our cook Pam, becomes Princess Pambo in her Pizza Palace! A wide variety of pizza's and salads are made for us to enjoy, including her signature Buffalo Wing pizza, her Pirogi pizza and her newest Big Mac pizza! There was no shortage of food and no shortage of fun!
We rounded out the evening with a video from Louie Giglio called Indescribable, where he helped us understand the awesome enormity of our God by considering the universe he made for no other reason that to show us His glory. The pictures coming back from the Hubble telescope are truly amazing and reveal the creative power of a God who loves us!
Tomorrow we will be back in the book of Nehemiah again!
I love this blog. I have been reading it all Summer. I loved it so much I signed up Olivia to go to roundup. But she's waitlisted. Anything anyone can do to get her in, even if she has to sleep in the caboose, is greatly appreciated. Keep up the great blogging.