Major repairs are being done to the floors in the back rooms of Bunny Camp. The rooms had suffered water damage last year (and probably other years as well!), so a decision was made to replace the floors in both rooms. Grateful thanks to Bob Wheeler, John Cole, Larry Thompson and Stacy Bodder for all their hard work on this and other projects.
First, the bunks were disassembled and stacked away, then the old floor tiles were ripped out and thrown in the dumpster. Once the tiles were out, it was obvious that the plywood underneath would have to come out as well. Once all the flooring was out, we were able to see the reason for the cold temps in those back rooms! The duct work was all flexible tube and was broken and eaten away in many places. While the floor was opened up, new rigid ducts were put in and insulated, additional returns were added some extra electrical outlets were installed.

There was a lot of carpentry and a lot of underground tunneling! The work is back breaking and often down when the weather is not ideal, but they are all still smiling. John and Stacy are working together to add insulation to the floor and install new plywood over the top. Now all that is left is the new vinyl flooring and the job should be complete.

At the same time as the work inside, work was being done on the roof to make sure that water did not come back in again to undo all the hard work that has been accomplished here.
This is another project that should add many years of comfortable camping for our bunny campers and staff. Please continue to remember our hard workers in your prayers!
This looks fantastic!! Thanks for the hard work guys!