Larry Thompson and Terry and Shirley Wilson just returned from Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque IA, where we attended the annual Christian Ministry Seminars. It was great to see such great interest from so many young people who have a desire to serve the Lord. It was also good to be able to spend time with believers from other camps and ministries who share our goals and mission.

Set up began Sunday afternoon, and the seminars start early Monday morning with the first of five messages by Lars Peterson from Parker, Colorado. He challenged all of us to remember that we have been blessed that we might be a blessing to others. He took his text from Genesis 12:2 where the promise was made to Abraham. "I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great" As servants of the Lord, we often stop there, accepting the blessing of the Lord but the verse finishes with the following: "And you shall be a blessing". We have been blessed greatly, but these blessings are not meant to be kept but to be used to be a blessing to others as well.

We were privileged to spend time with 37 young people who attended our seminar on Purpose Driven Games and Activities. These were all young people who already serve the Lord in youth ministry, Awana programs, and Sunday schools and want to be more effective in presenting the truths of God's Word not only in messages but in activities as well. We even had several attend from other camp ministries!
Pray that some of these young people may feel led by the Lord to serve at camp this summer.
Not all people are aware that they can also enroll in bible colleges such as this one.
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