The next phase of the cabin project has begun. Three more cabins were recently moved out of the girls area to make way for the new construction. Old cabins 11, 15 and 18 are now gone and work has started on their replacement! Thanks for Jon Palmer, Tom Dahlquist and AJ McIntee for getting this part started.
New foundations were dug, footers poured and the new walls were constructed by a contractor. Once the new walls were in, camp staff and volunteers began constructing the floors and walls.

Thanks again to Larry Thompson and Stacy Bodder who began the work in icy conditions.

Thank you also to our volunteers who have come down to help with the work. John Cole and Bob Wheeler are here almost every week, but many other from Rochester, Buffalo and St. Catharines have come down to help as well.

The next phase was to have the buildings wrapped with Tyvek and the roof trusses put up. We are again grateful to those who helped make this happen.
Our goal is to get the metal roof on each cabin before the snow comes so that work on the interiors can continue through the winter. There will still be ceilings to install, electrical to be added, as well as insulation and the remaining interior finishing to be done.
We plan to have the final work day for the year this Saturday December 22. If you are able to make it, please contact Larry Thompson at
lilolilarry@gmail.com to let him know your availability.
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