Just a reminder to you all: summer registrations are open and some sessions are already filling fast! It is going to be a great summer this year - the directors are busy planning sessions that will be fun, exciting and memorable! Our theme is Rejoicing in Hope and we have so many reasons to rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ!

The brochures have been mailed out and every past camper should have one. If you received more than you need, please find some new campers to invite! Campers can complete the mailed registration form or they can go to the web to register online. Click on the link below to go to the session calendar and find the session that suits you best!

Click on the link below to go straight to the Register Online button found on every page of our website! We have programs for Pre-Teens, Teens, College and Career and even our Summer Round Up, specialty camp where you choose your major from a list of options! Register today!
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