Our March Work Days at camp are nearly over, but more still needs to be done. Can you help us this coming weekend? There is still work to be done on both the inside and outside of the three new cabins. We are expecting a number of fathers and sons to come down on Friday night in order to help all day Saturday. If you want more information about this father/son work retreat, let us know and we will put you in touch with the organizers!

We had at least one young man with us this past weekend and it was great to see him working alongside Brian Martin, one of our most experienced dish pit operators! Brian gave Josh some great tips on how to help out here!

We had a great group in this past weekend that came from as far away as St. Catharines, Ontario, Cleveland, Ohio and Erie Pennsylvania to help install the electrical fixtures in the three new cabins in the Girls area. Finishing touches were put the porches and exterior lights were installed. Others worked inside putting up lights, smoke detectors, switches and outlets. Others helped sand the door and window frames to prep them for finishing.

It was great to see so many enjoying the Christian fellowship and getting the work done at the same time. Thanks guys! If you can help this weekend, let us know so that we know how many to expect.
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