There are several important projects at camp that are nearing completion. Our "new" camp septic system was installed nearly 30 years ago and was nearing the end of its current life. Two weeks ago work began on removing the top distribution pipes and installing new ones, replacing the gravel and barriers and closing up the field. The job has moved along smoothly and quickly and was inspected last Friday by the County Health Engineer and County Health Inspector. We passed! The finishes touches should be complete in the next few days. Not glamorous work but essential to a healthy and happy camp!
At our last meeting the corporation approved plans to build a new central water system that would serve the west end of camp. This will include the Property Manager residence and the workshop and also makes provision to supply the new Administrator residence planned for that end of camp. The new water system is being built off the south east corner of the shop. The small addition to the shop had to be removed first and then work began excavating for the footers. That work has now been completed and the walls are ready to receive concrete. This again is an very necessary project to improve the water quality for those that live at camp. It will also reduce the need for additional wells to be installed for these west end buildings.
Pray for continued strength and safety for those involved in these projects.
Pray for continued strength and safety for those involved in these projects.
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