Camp Friends Show up in Many Places! Part 1

There are many of our camp friends who are currently serving the Lord in other places around the world. Some are there for a short time, while others are there more permanently. Here are just a few! If you know of any other camp friends who have been or are involved in some exciting ministries, let us know so that we can pray for them!

The following were listed in the latest issue of the Christian Missions in Many Lands Missions magazine.

Miriam and Todd served most recently at Camp Li-Lo-Li in 2012; Todd as Assistant Director and Music for Pre-Teen 3 while Miriam served as our secretary and Heidi worked in the Dining Room.

Liane Torok grew up coming to Camp Li-Lo-Li and has been a great counselor for the girls. Lianne has also been an important part of our Counselor-in-Training program for a number of years and has helped many new counselors grow in this important responsibility.

We continue to pray that the Lord will bless and keep the Eichenauers and Lianne as they seek to serve the Lord in the Philippines and Germany.


  1. Hannah Curletta working with Alice Turner at Kalene Mission, Zambia (short term)
    Beth Larter serving at Sakeji Mission School, Zambia, also short term.

  2. I work with the JESUS Film Project & Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) at our world headquarters in Orlando. I came to Christ at Li-Lo-Li in '92 somewhere between the smelly spot by the volleyball court and the boys' bridge. I did CIT in '95 and counseled for about 5 years after that.


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