Construction of the East Residence at Camp Li-Lo-Li began in 1972 and was completed in 1973. Ivan and Veryl Nelson were the first of many occupants over the years. Stacy and Bethany Bodder and their family have lived there since May, 2010 when Stacy came onboard as our Assistant Property Manager. The original siding was 40 years old earlier this year and was showing great signs of wear and tear especially on the east end where families of bats had taken up residence! The Lord graciously provided the materials through Grace Chapel, the assembly in Jamestown, NY where the Bodders are in fellowship. They offered to pay for the new siding if others were able to complete the work.

In mid July this year, work on the project began by first taking out some of the bushes in front of the house, then removing the old siding and tar paper, thoroughly cleaning the wood under the paper where bats had been living and replacing plywood where it had rotted away. This was a tough, dirty and mostly solitary job!

But help came from Stacy's brother Jeremy who arrived to help start the process of re-siding the whole house. Instead of vinyl siding as before, we are now using the Hardie board siding that we have used on our new cabins. It does not deteriorate as quickly as vinyl and holds paint very well. After measuring and marking up the project, tyvek housing wrap was added and the house enclosed against the elements. Work began by laying the first few courses of siding to set the standard for the rest of the project.
There were many willing helpers including Isaac Bodder who was able to work alongside his Dad and Uncle when not a camper himself! After the initial set-up and start of the siding, the work moved along quickly. From time to time a number of others were able to come down to help paint and do clean up. We are grateful to Roy, Jodie and Jeanine and others for their help with painting!

The last part of any project is always the most time consuming. As he has had opportunity, Stacy has continued to work on the soffits, trim and caulking of the house and it is now finished! The project is complete and looks beautiful! Not only is it an attractive addition to the camp, especially as you first come into camp, it has also been designed to last for a long time and provide a house that makes the occupants happier and healthier!
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