For the past two years we have been planning, praying and prepping for another residence here at Camp Li-Lo-Li. The residence, currently referred to as the Administrator Home, will be a three bedroom ranch home with a basement. The home will be built on the south side of Sunfish Run Road and will be facing east to look down the valley toward the lake and to watch the sun rise behind the hills in the distance!

The site had been marked with flags and the area surrounding the house was cleared of top soil to make sure we were able to re-grade the site to take advantage of the natural slope. Just a little over a week ago, the excavator broke ground and work began on digging out the basement on the north side of the house. The south side of the home will have a walk out basement.

The excavation of the basement is now complete along with most of the clearing and grading of the site. Thank you to Jon and Mark Palmer who came down to work along side Larry Thompson to get this part of the project finished.

The next step will be to get the footers in and begin work on pouring the concrete walls for the basement. Our goal will be to get the entire project enclosed before the snow flies so that finish work can be done inside during the winter months.
We are grateful to all of the many friends of camp who have prayed with us over the past few years and who have so generously donated funds to make this project a possibility. Thank you!
We'll keep you posted with the progress as it happens! Check back soon!
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