Important! CPR Recert - Review and Testing details

Our annual Red Cross Re-Certification day will be held on Sunday, March 30th at 1.00 pm at Cornerstone Bible Chapel. Thank you to all who have completed the training in the past so that we can run our programs each summer. We could not do it without you!

There are several important CHANGES this year,
so please read the following carefully.

You must do all of the review & testing ON-LINE before coming to the chapel.
The chapel time will be for the Skills testing ONLY!
Important: You must first create a profile in the Red Cross Learning Center
prior to registering for the course
Please note:
The Offering ID is: 02787518 and the Offering Date: 03/30/2014. You will need to use a credit card to pay for the course online.
All Testing must be completed at least
2 days before the skills testing.

The fees have increased significantly due to Red Cross price increases. Please do not let this hinder you from coming. Let us know if assistance is needed.

If you have any questions, please contact Betsy McIntee

See you on March 30th!
