It has been a little while since we last updated everyone on the progress of the newest home on the Camp Li-Lo-Li property! In fact as I look back, I see we were last putting the floor joists and decking on back in November. A lot has happened since then, in spite of the bitterly cold weather!

On a cold, wet and misty day in December the walls went up! Thank you to all the volunteers who braved the weather to come and help!

The next step was to sheath the walls with plywood or OSB and then wrap the walls against the weather. Here is the final result! For more than a month, the house stood through some of the coldest weather. Our next step was the roof trusses but this was cold and dangerous work when the temps dropped below zero - way below!

Finally in early February, work was able to resume again. The material had been delivered and the equipment arrived to help get the trusses set correctly! In less than a week the trusses were set and the plywood and weatherproofing was installed .
Most of the interior walls have now been constructed and it is starting to look much more like a house now! Some of the electrical work has begun and final discussions on where light fixtures and outlets will go will be happening this weekend.
Once the gable ends are enclosed, the doors and windows can be installed and work can continue on the interior! It is great to see the progress that is being made daily. We are so thankful to the Lord's people for praying for this project and providing the material and practical resources needed!
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