Happy, smiling faces arrived at camp this past Sunday for the start of Pre-Teen 1. Many were returning campers but a large number were here for the very first time. Our Camp Director, Arthur Manning got straight into the program and introduced our theme for the week, The Promises of God to Noah!

What a great week to talk about Noah! - It has already rained every day this week! Our speaker Bobby Halek has been focusing on the messages that God brought Noah
The kids have kept busy, rain or shine! The store has been a popular destination, especially with the addition of root beer floats!

Tonight was our traditional Wednesday picnic and the kids all hiked up to Fort Seneca to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, chips and watermelon!

The hike up was especially muddy, but no-one seemed to mind! The creek is running fast, the lawns are waterlogged but everyone is having a great time!
Watch this space for the unfolding story of God's goodness to a sinful world!
"And Noah found grace in the eyes of God"
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