We haven't posted an update on the house for a little while but the work has continued here at camp through the summer and now into the fall! Earlier this year the septic tank and fields were installed. Mr. Jason Kelly came down with Jon Palmer to give us his professional advice and opinion and to oversee the work.

In the meantime, work continued inside. After a couple of false starts, the carpet was finally installed in the bedrooms, living room and on the stairs to the basement. The fireplace is in and connected to the propane. We should be ready for winter!

Over the past week, more work has been done outside, this time on siding. Beginning with the north facing wall, siding was installed as high as the scaffolding reached, then moved around to the front by the garage doors.

The soffit and fascia is now on the front of the house. While the scaffolding was in place, the front wall was also painted. Now work continues near the front door. Later this week, the concrete porch will be poured and the rest of the siding on the front will be installed.
Please continue to pray for these men who are willing to give up their own comfort and convenience and come down to camp. Pray for safety, unity and good weather! The days are getting cooler! Thank you to John Cole, David Larter, Wes Milligan and Bob Wheeler who have come down assist Larry with the project. Our thanks also to Al McIntee and AJ McIntee who have done most of the electrical work as well as dig the various trenches around camp. More updates to follow!
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