Discipleship Weekend Scheduled! June 19-21, 2015

Last year we had to cancel our Discipleship Weekend but we have it back on the schedule again this year!

June 19-21, 2015 at Camp Li-Lo-Li

 Our focus will be on studying the Word of God and growing in our walk with Him. We will not be doing any work projects this year but we are looking forward to really digging into the Word of God for ourselves. This will be a very interactive day as we develop new Bible study skills and then put them into practice right away. We want the Scriptures to become an integral part of our daily lives. C.H. Spurgeon said:

Some people like to read so many [Bible] chapters every day. I would not dissuade them from the practice, but I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen verses all day than rinse my hand in several chapters. Oh, to be bathed in a text of Scripture, and to let it be sucked up in your very soul, till it saturates your heart!

That is our goal as well! Mark your calendars and plan to join us. This weekend is designed for those between the ages of 18-30. It starts Friday night and finishes Sunday after lunch. Please pray about spending this time with us. Our prayer is that you will never look at the word of God the same way again!

You can now register online. Click on the link below or go to www.liloli.org and click on the register online button.

We hope to see you there!
