You can tell summer is getting closer when we have our annual Director meeting! We held the meeting this past Saturday, April 25 and were able to cover a lot of important issues. Thank you to all of our directors who were able to join us.

During this time we go through the staff training manual, especially the roles of the directors if there were a camp emergency. We also brainstormed several issues regarding camper supervision that affect campers and directors each week. We considered a variety of solutions that increase the security and comfort of the young people placed in our care. Our goal is to create an environment that is as safe as possible while still allowing kids to be kids!
We also spent time sharing ideas on how to stretch our program budgets further and how to creatively share the gospel in ways that will be memorable.
Please pray for our Directors as they finalize their plans for the summer. There is still much to be done! Pray for all of our staff members - we still have a number of gaps in our staffing and are praying that the Lord will lead the right people to camp this year. Perhaps you will join us!
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