Changed Lives through Jesus Christ! Our Directors work hard to develop creative and memorable programs to help introduce and reinforce the messages taught in chapel and in the cabins. There are so many stories of campers whose lives have been changed for eternity because of their time spent here. Camp Li-Lo-Li is a place where the Bible comes alive for so many campers and has done now for over sixty years!
We are so grateful for the many hundreds of volunteers that serve at camp in the course of a year. Having a volunteer workforce enables us to keep our camp fees as low as possible for which we are so thankful. We really do believe that we offer great value for money with many activities included for free.
But even though our costs are kept low, there are still many who cannot afford to come to camp because of the circumstances of life. We try to help as many as we can and are grateful for the support of the assemblies and churches who help campers earn their way to camp. We do not want any camper to miss out on this experience because finance is an obstacle.

Please pray with us for these campers and their families. And if you feel led to help a family, we have set up a scholarship fund here at camp and would be happy to direct your help to a needy camper! Thank you for your continued prayers for the ministry of camp.
Then (Jesus) took a little child
and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He
said to them, "Whoever receives one of these
little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not
Me but Him who sent Me." Mark 9:36-37
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