Another great day of fun, fellowship and work projects at
camp Li Lo Li. Even though the day was a little overcast, spirits were high and
an enormous amount of work was accomplished. Thanks to the many volunteers from
Blasdell Gospel Chapel, Scottlea Gospel chapel, Northgate Bible Chapel, Cornerstone Bible Chapel and Grace Chapel in
We had several activity area s with leaking roofs and they were repaired and re-shingled. These projects were headed up by David Later and Ted Fox with much help from others including Anthony Koole. There are now new roofs on the
rifle range and canoe shed.
The bridge and the gazebo are some of the most photographed areas at camp but were looking a little weathered and worse for wear. Ben Slomba and Cecil Milligan have worked tirelessly to get this looking almost like new, but the bridge still needs work! Perhaps another work day?
The final stage of the windmill project was to add the new hoses and underwater oxygen diffusers. The challenge was that they needed to be situated in at least 8 feet of water - water which is both cold and murky! Thanks to Jim Dahlquist, these diffusers are now in place and the windmill is working as designed!

A.J McIntee and Jason Kelly worked on the plumbing at the Directors Cabin, taking us a few steps closer to wrapping up that building. When he wasn't helping with plumbing, Jason Kelly was running the backhoe to get the driveway dug out and prepared for stone at the new house. Thank you to Jon Palmer for bringing down the stone!
Jordan and Aaron Collette from the Jamestown assembly began the servicing of the golf carts and ATVs at camp. These are truly the summer workhorses, used every day by the directors and nurses. Tom Bacon will be joining us later this week to start the annual pre-camp servicing of our maintenance vans and trucks. Thanks all!

We also had several crews cleaning buildings, raking
leaves and general outdoor clean up. We have a large group in next weekend for their Memorial Day Family Camp and everything has to be in place and ready! What a great crew - Amy, Nancy, Heather, Olivia, Bonnie, Lydia, Rachel and many more!

There are many small but important carpentry jobs that need to be done. Most of our Adirondack chairs are well used in the summer and get a little wobbly! Howie Moore from Sugar Grove PA had made new armrests for each chair and Larry Palmer installed them, tighten up the loose parts and prepared them for painting by Josh Koole and Joel Bodder! Josh and Joel also swept up leaves from around the Chapel and in other places around camp. In addition to the work Larry Palmer did at camp today he also took some work home. He will be building new trash can receptacles and repairing the Lodge railing at his home workshop.
Ellie Fox
worked up in the office tidying and taking inventory as well as making photo
copies for the summer. Betsy McIntee and Dorothy Milford worked on completing
our health department safety plan, which is a long but necessary process. John and Becky Clode continued the ongoing task of cleaning and prepping the craft cabin for all of the summer sessions.

Jim Ferguson and Clint Fancher were involved with a number of projects including helping with the roofs, repairing picnic tables at the store and installing covers on the crawl space openings of our new cabins. Will Benson and Isaac Bodder were busy with many projects as well including bringing the canoes up to the lake from their winter storage, installing screens in the Lodge and taking the storm windows up to the barn, and cleaning the wash rooms in the Lodge and Chapel. Wes Milligan was busy with painting again - this time the window frames at the East end of the Lodge.

Bob Wheeler had come up earlier in the week and begun installing our new jumbo roll dispensers in the bathrooms. These are going to save a great deal of time for our maintenance crews during the summer.

Together with David Larter and Wes Milligan they had also finished up the south side of the new house. All the trim work is done and the painting is complete. That allowed the scaffolding to come down as well. Thanks again to everyone for their hard work!
Of course, no workday is complete without the important break and mealtimes. Thank you to Al McIntee and and Vivian Marwick for all the hard work in feeding over 50 people there for the day! Thank you also to Stacy Bodder, our Property Manager for planning, organizing and overseeing a busy and productive day.
I am sure that there may be individuals who I have missed in this blog posting. If I have, I am truly sorry. We value each person that serves with us here at camp in whatever position or role they serve. We joy in the fact that the Lord does not forget those who are faithful to Him. We are reminded what can be accomplished when we work together as we read the book of Nehemiah. Finally Nehemiah gets up to commend the workers with "So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work... Nehemiah 4:6
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