We are looking forward to a great time of ministry and fellowship during our Family Camp that happens over the Labor Day weekend. We have a full camp and are excited about what the Lord will be doing in us and through us.
Several years ago we invited Scott DeGroff to be our speaker and have been looking forward with anticipation to his ministry. Many of you know that Scott has been struggling with health issues since the beginning of this year and has had to scale back his public ministry due to these ongoing challenges with his health. In spite of these problems, he was quite hopeful that he would still be able to come to Li-Lo-Li for this upcoming weekend, but on August 16 finally had to make the decision that he could not come. Please pray for Scott and his family as they seek answers to his health issues. We do pray for Scott's healing and for the Lord's leading and strengthening during these difficult days. Lord willing, Scott will minister at Family Camp Weekend 2017.
The Lord has very wonderfully provided our brother Jabe Nicholson to be available to minister the Word for us this weekend. It is a beautiful thing to see how the Lord takes care of these details - we are very thankful for His provision. The topic Jabe plans to take up
is "Four Keys to living Christ in your community" Challenging and practical! Please be in prayer for Jabe as he prepares these messages for the adults and teens. Pray also for Ian Nieboer and Olivia Lehmann as they prepare for the kids meetings. We have a very large number of children attending this year!

is "Four Keys to living Christ in your community" Challenging and practical! Please be in prayer for Jabe as he prepares these messages for the adults and teens. Pray also for Ian Nieboer and Olivia Lehmann as they prepare for the kids meetings. We have a very large number of children attending this year!
So sorry to hear the DeGroffs won't be able to join us! Have been praying for Scott and his family for awhile now. But also very excited to get to hear Jabe, he always presents a huge encouragement and challenge!