A great number of our posts keep you up to date on projects and
activities that happen at camp, but we want to never forget that our ministry
is not just about buildings but about people! Our camp tagline is
Changed Lives
through Jesus Christ but we don’t always see the changes here at camp. Here are
a couple of recent comments we were thrilled to receive from former and current campers.
Eternity will one day reveal the full impact that camp had on the lives of so many. We pray that the Lord will continue to work in the lives of those who surrender their will to Him and receive the free gift of salvation! We praise the Lord as these friends do! Pray for the campers who have passed through our ministry over the last few years. Many of them made professions of faith, while others heard the gospel and did not accept Christ as their Savior here. It would be wonderful to hear the stories and testimonies of those that heard the gospel here and put their faith in Christ later.
Many of us who spend time at camp are amazed at the constant beauty of the day and of the seasons in the place the Lord has provided for us. But one day there will be a new home for us all and we will see our Savior face to face in a place more beautiful than Camp Li-Lo-Li or any other earthly place.
We read in Revelation of the wonder that awaits us, "And he
showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the
throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side
of the river, was the tree of
life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree
yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more
curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants
shall serve Him. They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. There shall be no night there: They
need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they
shall reign forever and ever." Revelation 22: 1-5
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