In just over two weeks our Men and Boys Retreat begins at Camp Li-Lo-Li! Our theme for the weekend is
Living the Life God Planned for You! This is a study on some of the incidents in the life of Joseph and our speaker is Mike Moody from North Carolina. Mike was commended to the Lord's work in 2000 and travels and teaches extensively along the East coast. He has also been involved in teaching at a Christian school as well as radio ministry.
Registration will begin at 5.00 pm on Friday October 23 and the retreat will end after dinner on Saturday October 24, 2015. This will be a great time of fun, fellowship and challenging Bible study!

We hope to see you there!
Register online at http://www.liloli.org/events/men-and-boys-wilderness-retreat
or click on the link below to download a paper registration to mail or fax
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