The schoolhouse is the oldest building on the Camp Li-Lo-Li property and for many years this one room schoolhouse met the needs of the five families who lived in and around the valley. We are not sure exactly when it was originally built, but by the end of World War II, it had already been abandoned in favor of the Randolph School District. It sat idle for at least the next ten years until purchased as part of the camp property in 1953. Initially there was a dispute as to who actually owned the quarter acre and the building but this was legally resolved after it had been abandoned by the original owners.

In more recent years the schoolhouse has been the summer home of the wranglers but is in need of some significant upgrades. Last year the storage shed begin to sag pulling the roof down with it. We removed the storage shed and this year also removed the bathroom. Work has now started on building a new foundation and eventually a much larger bathroom that will meet the needs of camp and wranglers! Once that is completed we plan to add new windows and doors and re-side the building.
Please pray that this projects is completed in time for camp and under budget!
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