Ted Fox - trimming out windows |
We are so blessed at camp to have so many wonderful and willing volunteers that give up their Saturdays (and often many more days) to come alongside and serve at camp!
Don Palmer - finish trim in the cabins |
Over the past few weekends we have had close to 80 people at camp in every kind of weather to do a variety of projects. This past weekend we had over 50 people! Here are some of the projects they were working on:
There were three teams of finish trim carpenters working on window sills and door and window trim. Thank you to all these teams.
Bob Wheeler Pocket Doors |
Bob Wheeler has built virtually every pocket door at camp. These pocket doors create great versatility in the way we use the cabins for summer camps and family camps.
Ron Gauthier & Bob Buttriss Schoolhouse ceiling |
Ron Gauthier and Bob Buttriss put in the ceiling in the remodeled Schoolhouse which houses our wranglers in the summer.
John Clode - one of many sanders! |
Sanding - so much sanding! |
Every cabin needs to be sanded before we can spray with polyurethane. That's a lot of sanding! Eight new cabins are being built this year and we could not have completed this time-consuming but important project without their help!
AJ McIntee trenching for electrical |
AJ McIntee continues to dig trenches, lay conduit and pull electrical wire to replace our our overhead lines with underground lines. Al McIntee was continuing to work on lights and electrical outlets in the new cabins. These are such important contributions to the comfort and safety of our campers and staff!
Painting the lattice at the Lodge |

We had painters everywhere! Some were painting the lattice on the front of the Lodge while others worked down in the cabin areas painting porch and interior ceilings!
Larry Palmer spent the day raking and grading up at the newest home at camp in preparation for planting grass seed.
Wood splitting |
Several weeks ago we had a great group of men and boys come down to cut and split firewood. We were grateful for another group this week that continued the job!
Our Property Manager, Stacy Bodder was kept busy during the day managing all these multiple projects and making sure that everyone had the tools, materials and instruction they needed! Thanks Stacy!
Sorting piles of pines for kindling |

It was great to have clean up crews as well! Some of the young guys were able to collect and sort much of the pine pieces into usable sections while the rest went to kindling. They also helped stack wood in the wood sheds in both the boys and girls areas.
Breaktime for the group! |
One of the most important jobs on these work weekends is to keep everyone fed and and happy! Thanks so much to David and Amy Larter who came down faithfully to take care of these hungry groups.David and Jacob Meng also spent time on repairs to our Ropes course to make sure we will be ready for our annual inspection this year.
I know that there are many that I have forgotten to thank personally, but we are so grateful to you all. We want you to know that the Lord knows your heart for Him and your service is not in vain. We are so often reminded of the passages in Nehemiah where the people of God came together to serve in so many different ways and what a testimony this was the the world who look on. Thank you to all for your help and your prayers!
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