For whom: This applies to all lifeguards, wranglers, ropes staff and overnight / backpacking staff.
When: CPR re-certification will be offered at Camp two days ONLY
this year.
It is very important that you arrive on time so we can get everyone through both the review and skills portions.
Cost: $27.00, payable by credit card, cash or check at camp.
RSVP: Please email Betsy McIntee at if you are planning to attend with the date you plan to attend.
RSVP: Please email Betsy McIntee at if you are planning to attend with the date you plan to attend.
If you are NOT able to attend one of these sessions, please
find a Red Cross course near you and get re-certified in your area before
serving at Camp this summer.
Lifeguards - please note the cost of the CPR portion is
included in your lifeguard recert fee.
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