Summer Round-Up is a specialty week that lets campers ages 11-16 focus on the activity they love most! When registering online, campers choose one program area (this year's choices listed below). They will spend at least three hours a day on their chosen activity, but have the opportunity for other activities during optional and free times.
It's best to register early, as each of the program choices has a maximum number of campers, and some of them fill up quickly! We often have campers (ages 11-16) attend a Pre-Teen or Teen session, and then return for Round-Up. This is welcome and encouraged. Round-Up this year will be held August 13-19.
For 2017, our seven Round-Up program choices are:
Horsemanship (several skill levels available) led by Jackie Gefell and Cathie Whitcomb. Each day, campers have a ground class, a ring class, and a trail ride.
Marksmanship/Riflery (ages 12+) led by Dan Lee. Campers can expect to improve their marksmanship skills and have a lot of fun under Dan's intense and enthusiastic tutelage.
Archery led by Philip Sidwell. Phil is new to our archery staff and is looking forward to taking on leadership of this popular choice. There will be balloons involved. :)
Ropes Course/Climbing Tower led by David Larter with new assistant Ben Stein. Dave's curriculum is always a winner with campers who choose this program. Expect to be stretched as you try out our numerous events, and to leave with increased confidence.
Crafts led by Ruth Nieboer. Ruth does a great job of choosing interesting crafts that campers can work on all week. Expect to make something you'll be really proud of to take home.
Pinewood Derby Cars led by Stacy Bodder. If you like making these cars, you can't go wrong with this choice. Stacy brings a level of craftsmanship to everything he does.

New director Stephen March has chosen "You shall know..." as our theme for Round-Up 2017!
Throughout time and His word, God has been revealing His character, nature, and that of His Son Jesus to mankind in various ways. Join us this week as we open the Bible and enjoy His creation to learn about who God is, who Jesus is, what He's done, and why it really matters that we shall know He is Lord of all.
Our theme verse is Jeremiah 9:23-24. "Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD."
In addition to our regular chapel times, campers will also participate in a small group Bible study each day. This is a great week of fun and faith!
If Round-Up interests you, register soon, as many of the program choices fill quickly. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have about this unique week of Camp!
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