Pre-Teen 1 Monday

The days start early with cabin clean up, followed by the morning exercises, the raising of the flags and breakfast! We continued with our lessons in the life of Esther and learned of the banishing of Queen Vashti. It was a bad decision but one that God was able to use for good. More exciting developments will follow.

The main camp program begins this week with the introduction of fishing, canoeing and riflery. The craft cabin is also open with opportunities to make a special project to take home on Saturday. During the day, the campers were able to enjoy using the zipline across the lake to the island. I saw more than a few counselors doing it too! Canoing and fishing were especially popular but I think our new soft-serve ice cream machine might be the popular attaction of all!

The horses began their trail rides today and the riders enjoyed the cool and refreshing trails through the woods. We briefly took shelter from the rain but soon returned to the afternoon activities before enjoying dinner and then chapel. Our speaker, Mr. Art continued his lessons on Esther by talking about sin and bad choices.


  1. Thanks for the update - what a wonderful tool to help us follow along our daughters time at LiLoLi.


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