Your Help Needed! Final Push Before the Summer!

Summer is almost here! The flooring has been replaced in the bunny camp and lodge, a new roof has been installed on the west wash house in the girls area and our four brand new cabins are ready for campers! This coming week sees our final guest group for the spring and then we begin our summer programs. We are praying for a great spiritual blessing this summer and waited with expectant hearts to see what the Lord is going to do again this year.


We could really use your help this coming Saturday June 23 as we finalize the cleaning of the cabins and the buildings on the hill. We also need help moving tables and chairs and even some painting! Why not make a day of it and join us this Saturday at camp? Not only do many hands speed the work, but we also enjoy great times of fellowship together!

Please let us know if you can make it this Friday or Saturday so that we can plan out the work in the most effective way possible. You can email Terry Wilson at , Larry Thompson at or Stacy Bodder at 

We will also need someone to cook for all these (anticipated!) volunteers. If you would be willing to cook, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work this spring. It has really made a difference!

See you Saturday!
