How Can I Help at Camp?

We are often asked the question, “how can I help at camp?”

We are so grateful for the care and concern of the many believers who love and support the ministry, so we have provided the following list that we trust you will find helpful. Our goal is to eventually add this to our website where it can be updated regularly.

1.      Prayer Support

Our greatest “hidden” asset has been the consistent prayers of believers for the work here at camp. Here are a few things that we are praying for now:

·         The upcoming winter retreats in January

·         The ongoing work on the Cabin Replacement project

·         The campers, staff and directors for our summer programs

·         Our camp families, the Thompsons and the Bodders

·         Wisdom for our corporation members

·         Planning for our 60th anniversary celebrations

2.      Volunteers

The work at camp is made possible by our faithful volunteers. Please pray about opportunities to serve at camp, both during our summer sessions as well as during our work days here at camp.

a.      Camp Sessions – We will soon be sending out the staff application forms for 2013. Please pray for the Lord’s leading as you consider where the He wants you to serve Him this year.

b.      Work Days – we have several work days planned for the remainder of the year. More details will follow – these are valuable experiences for everyone involved!

3.      Donations

a.      Financial

For nearly 60 years the Lord has graciously and abundantly met the needs at Camp Li-Lo-Li and it is the policy of Camp Li-Lo-Li to continue to look exclusively to the Lord to meet our ongoing needs. We never make any public appeals for financial support because we firmly believe that, as the Lord had provided in the past, He will still provide for His work to be accomplished in the future. God has proved His faithfulness time and time again.

We do not solicit for funds in any way, but some have asked how they might be a part of this ongoing ministry. If you feel led to financially support this work, you can make a tax-deductible, charitable donation, by sending your checks to:
USA                                                                        Canada           
Camp Li-Lo-Li                                                        Camp Li-Lo-Li             
82 Swan Street                                                     3160 Woodburn Road, R. R. #1
Salamanca, NY 14779                                          Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0

b.      Material

There are often times when we have a need at camp for a piece of equipment or supplies and someone has exactly what we are looking for in their garage or home!
Right now we are praying about our camp vehicles. Our camp truck is rapidly approaching 200,000 miles and will soon need some major work done. We currently have one pickup truck but could use more than one, if available, preferably four wheel drive.
If you have a vehicle or a piece of equipment you would like to donate to camp, please contact Larry Thompson first to make sure that it is a good fit for our needs. And remember that we are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. If you need a tax deductible receipt for your donation, we would be happy to mail that to you.
Thank you all again for your faithful support of the ministry here at camp. We are serving the Lord together!

