Reminder: Ladies Scrapbooking Weekend at Camp Li-Lo-Li

Beat the Winter Blues!
Join us for our Ladies Scrapbooking Weekend!
March 8-9, 2013 at Camp Li-Lo-Li
Dear Ladies!
Don't Forget
You are invited to a weekend of warm Christian fellowship, great food, and of course, scrapbooking! Our Scrapbooking Retreat was created specifically to give you oodles of time to crop, place, and enjoy capturing those memories that have been accumulating for the past few months! Rich fellowship times combined with plenty of time to scrapbook will make this a memorable weekend. You will be challenged as you create memories with other women doing something you love to do!
Time is short so register today!
  • Click on the link above to download the application form. The form can be mailed to camp (8811 Sunfish Run Road, Randolph, NY 14772)
  • or by calling camp at 716-244-7814
  • or emailing
Scrapbooking Retreat
March 8-9
5.30 pm Friday
Retreat ends after supper on Saturday
Camp Li-Lo-Li
What to Bring
Scrapbooking Supplies,
Towels &Bedding, Toiletries,
Bible, Notepad, Pen, Flashlight
New to Scrapbooking?
Join us to learn more and enjoy great fellowship with others!
Join us for a great
Scrapbooking Retreat!
This Scrapbooking Retreat at Camp Li-Lo-Li is a weekend dedicated to providing women an opportunity to have "quiet space", deepen their relationships with the Lord and with each other, and work on their favorite projects.
It is a perfect weekend to bring your daughter, invite a friend or neighbor and relax together. Bring your own project and enjoy your own personal workspace as well as the fellowship of your neighboring crafters. There will be games and giveaways and also great food as our wonderful cook, goes all out for this weekend!
A Time to Grow in the Lord
Our schedule will also provide time for prayer and quiet time and the days will begin and end in the Word of God. The Lord asks us to find our rest in Him.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
First Time Scrappers?
Come and learn what it's all about! There will be trading tables set up and opportunities to learn from others!
Check the First Time Scrapbooker box on the attached application form so that we can send you a list of supplies you will need.
Contact for Questions or More Information
Terry Wilson 716-244-7814 Email
Letty Dahlquist 716-773-7086
Betsy McIntee (if in Canada) 905-937-8739
Camp Li-Lo-Li | 8811 Sunfish Run Road | Randolph | NY | 14772
