Summer Season is Over

What a great summer we enjoyed at Camp Li-Lo-Li this year!

The last of the kids programs for the summer finished and the Lord greatly blessed His work. Over 30 campers professed salvation this summer and many more were strengthened in their faith. We are so grateful for the Lord’s provision of campers and staff again this year. There were several weeks when we wondered if we would have enough staff but the Lord graciously provided all we needed.  

The summer started with a celebration of the Lords great provision over the past 60 years when over 450 people came to camp for the day to thank the Lord for His leading and direction since the early 1950s.
This was immediately followed by a week of great ministry during Family Camp which was also filled to capacity! Several couples even brought their own tents once our accommodation was full. The speakers were Nate Bramsen and Mike Attwood who both took up our theme for the year,  Rejoicing in Hope (Romans 12:12) and we were all challenged to be more faithful in our Christian walk. The messages are now available at 

The summer sessions were great and we are indebted to our camp directors for the time spent in preparation. Here is a summary of each week:

Pre-Teen 1          Speaker: Art Manning  - Theme: Ruth

Pre-Teen 2          Speaker: Bill Wendlandt - Theme: Joseph – From the Pit to the Palace

Pre-Teen 3          Speaker: Nate Thomas - Theme: Fishers of Men

Teen 1                  Speaker: Scott Duncan - Theme: Gripped by Grace (Romans 1-12)

Teen 2                  Speaker: Mark Swaim - Theme: Hidden Treasure

Round Up            Speaker: John Schetelich - Theme: Cruises Gone Bad! (Noah, Jonah, Paul’s Shipwreck)

The focus each week was the Person of Christ, the good news of salvation and our walk with the Lord. We rounded out the summer with the ministry of Alan Parks over the Labor Day weekend with our last Family Camp. Again we were full to capacity! The theme for the conference was "That I May Know Him", Philippians 3:10 What a great subject!
In the next week, we will be sending out a short write-up on each session. Watch this space!
