Ladies Scrapbooking Retreat now called Country Crafting!

Changes are coming to our former Ladies Scrapbooking Retreat! Over the past few years we have had more people bring other types of craft projects and join in with us for this great event! So if you are into scrapbooking, quilting, knitting, needlepoint or any other craft, join our ladies for a great retreat!

Please note the new dates: 
Friday April 1 and Saturday April 2. 

To register, click on the link below:

So join us for a weekend of warm Christian fellowship, great food, and of course, crafting! Our Country Crafting Retreat was created specifically to give you oodles of time to craft and have a great time of fellowship at the same time! Our schedule will also provide time for prayer and quiet time and the days will begin and end in the Word of God.

Full Weekend cost $50.00
Saturday Only - $35.00
Youth Rate (under 18) - $30.00
