Update on the Boys Cabins at Camp Li-Lo-Li

We are excited to see the progress on the six new cabins in the boys area. There is still a lot of work today to finish these cabins up in time for summer but they are looking great!

Over the past few weeks two major projects have been worked on. Stacy Bodder, Al McIntee and AJ McIntee have been working on bringing electrical power to the cabins. Rather than bring in overhead wires that are subject to weather and to the occasional branch falling on them, the decision was made to dig trenches, lay PVC conduit and then pull the wire through the conduit to the cabins. Then these trenches are backfilled.

These is a lot more work involved in this but our hope and expectation is that the maintenance will be far less in the future. That project is now also complete and was done in the worst possible weather. It was wet, muddy and cold most of the time, with the occasional snow flurries as well!

The other project underway right now are the addition of the pocket doors in the six new cabins. Bob Wheeler built all the pocket doors in the Girls area and has now started work in the Boys area as well. Having a sliding pocket door enables us to split the cabins for Family camps and almost doubles the usable space. Josiah Gefell has been able to assist Bob on this important project.

Again we are so grateful to Stacy Bodder and all those that come down to assist him with these important projects! We are reminded of the commendation to the people of Israel as they started work on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in the face of obstacles of all kinds. It says they accomplished the project, "for the people had a mind to work. Nehemiah 4:6" We thank the Lord for all those that have a mind and a willingness to work!
